Robby Suavé Is 20 Years Old, Pt. 4

Welcome back to this Happy Birthday series! I kept you all waiting longer than I meant to. Let’s dive right back into it. Today we’ll transport back in time to the year 2010, and I’m going to talk a lot about Rock Band. Some of you reading this might be interested in that. 2010 2010 was the year that Modus […]

Robby Suavé Is 20 Years Old!

Did you know that I’ve been recording music under the Robby Suavé moniker for 20 years now? Whether that’s good or not, I don’t know, but it’s true. It’s been a while since I’ve thought very deeply about my humble musical beginnings (or even middles), let alone written about them. But yes, it’s been 20 years, so let’s get into […]

The Making of the Best Song Ever, “Eff It”

Should I have made this a Random Blog Post? I don’t know. To me, this song is so awesome that it deserves many essays written about it for years to come. “Eff It” began its life in 2013. I’ll admit it now that the guitar riffs were inspired by Wayne Static’s “Assassins of Youth” and maybe a bit of Marilyn […]

Reflecting on “Kill the Buffalo”

My latest song “Kill the Buffalo” has been available in audio format for 2 weeks now. Maybe that isn’t time to reminisce already, but it should be enough time to make some observations. Almost everybody that I think listened to it said they liked it. That’s awesome. It could just be my imagination, but it seems like my audience has […]

“Fans” Review “Everyone I Know Is an Alcoholic”

While we’re waiting for Boobs, Butts, and Feets to finally come out, I’ve been testing the waters to see how random people might feel about it by shopping “Everyone I Know Is an Alcoholic” around. I’ve submitted it to podcasts, posted about it on message boards, and most recently, I paid to have it reviewed via SoundOut. I didn’t even […]

Bringing Back Boobs, Butts, and Feets, Pt. 4

Since the last time I posted, I haven’t made any major progress with the album, but when you’re talking about an album that was technically finished almost 8 years ago to begin with, there’s going to be a time when there’s just not that much left to do. I’m still making minute changes, but mostly what I’ve been doing is […]

Robby Suavé Live: Take 1

Recently I played live in the presence of my fellow work employees, marking the first time I’ve played in front of anyone before. I’ll guess there were about 100 people lingering around the parking lot, but as for how many were actually paying any attention to what was coming out of my PA speakers, I have no estimate. If you […]


Remember a long time ago when I would ask people to give me song ideas, and then I’d record 60 second songs, and post them on message boards? Probably not. I did it from time to time in 2004-2006 probably. Back then I wasn’t doing it for any reason than just for fun. Revisiting it so many years later, a […]

Heat Stroke Listener Poll

Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you’ve likely listened to my new album. If you haven’t listened to it, or if you want to listen to it again, see this post. You can listen to it for free! You have no excuses! Then you can be on the same page as everyone else. After you’ve listened to the songs a time […]