Right Brain (Purple)

Hey. It’s me. You may be wondering where I’ve been the last 4 years. My last album, Somniphobia, was released in 2020. Then, musically, I fell off the face of the Earth. The details don’t matter. I’m here to present Right Brain (Purple). It’s available everywhere now: Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and probably anywhere else you listen to music. This […]

Random Blog Post #18

Holy crap! It’s been forever since I last posted here! Well, I have lots of good news. My new album isn’t quite done yet, but it’s super close. So much so that I’m going to start publishing posts to talk about each song individually next week. This post is going to be all weird and disjointed. It’s after midnight, and […]

Robby Reviews 2017

As per usual for these annual year-in-review posts, I won’t be getting into world events or politics or anything actually technically important. This is just me going over my favorite video games, movies, albums, and whatever else I feel like exhibiting. Normally this would have been ready before the beginning of the next year, but I had to experience of […]

My Next Album Will Be Weird

Over the last few months, I’ve been trying to explain on here what steps I’m taking to make a decent album. Not that I listen to my old stuff THAT much, but I probably listen to it more than anyone else. And I’ve come to discover what I don’t like about some of it. Details on all that has been […]

My Next Album Will Be Awesome

The final throes of getting an album put together are upon me! Before I get into specifics, let’s take a look at what I’ve been doing since January of 2015. The second half of 2014 was spent recording Heat Stroke, which released in 2015. I don’t want to spend much time talking about that album right now for two reasons. […]

Jam Session #16

How have I never posted this before? This is an oldie recorded…last year! I’m calling it a Jam Session, but it’s more like a demo. There are vocals and everything, but the final version will have redone drums, bass, guitars, and vocals. For years, I’ve been waiting for the right time to release my magnum opus: an album that combines […]

Jam Session #14

I’ve got tons of samples I could post, but I don’t want to turn this blog into nothing but Jam Sessions. There is a new Robby Reviews in the works though… So this is a cool, techno-ish, dancey thing. Uhhh…I don’t know what else to say about it other than that it’s cool and perhaps more professional than most of […]

Jam Session #13

Hey, let’s do another one of these things. There’s a song I started working on last week that I’m super excited about that I could showcase here. But it’s not very far along, and no one would get the joke behind it. So I’m doing this one instead. More than anything, what I’m exhibiting is how a handful of my […]

The Making of the Best Song Ever, “Eff It”

Should I have made this a Random Blog Post? I don’t know. To me, this song is so awesome that it deserves many essays written about it for years to come. “Eff It” began its life in 2013. I’ll admit it now that the guitar riffs were inspired by Wayne Static’s “Assassins of Youth” and maybe a bit of Marilyn […]